Netgame 2012

    • Official Post

    Begin: thursday, 6th december 2012 - 18:00h
    End: sunday, 9th december 2012 - 16:00h
    Location: Saalbau Bad, Derendingen/SO, Switzerland
    Price: 40.--/4 days - 35.--/3 days - Fr. 30.--/1-2 days
    Fr. 55.-- VIP places (ask RAYDEN)
    Max. participants: 250


    6 tournaments AND:
    Large chillout- & fun area
    Large separate sleepingzone
    Hispeed 1000BaseT Network for all participants
    96 GBit Backplane Backbone Switch
    50000/5000bps Internet connectivity
    NetGame Bar powered by
    fantastic tournamentprizes (see sponsors)
    many Dedicated ServerZ
    amazing Intranet - by Aschi
    Large Screen Projection - 4000 ANSI Lumen
    VJ Copykill
    Good mood & nice people

    Developer | deh-vel-up-ur


    1 a person or thing that develops stuff: in e.g. software developer, someone having knowledge of a particular topic beyond the level of knowlegde needed for ordinary usage of that topic

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